Church Family News, June 2022

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday, 26th June

Christmas in Winter

SERMON: This Sunday Stephen Baxter continues our series Christmas in Winter, with the second Sunday of Advent.

Christmas in the middle of winter may seem strange when you live in Tasmania, but it gives us the chance to experience Christmas when it was designed to be celebrated, in winter, the light of Jesus coming into the dark world.

BIBLE READING: Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s Song

WATCH: YouTube service, available 10.15am Sunday >>

CATCH-UP: Read about CHRISTMAS IN WINTER, and watch sermons you have missed.

Special morning tea after the service. Everyone is welcome to a special morning tea after the service to farewell Kewiei Lyu, Jing Xia and their son Ian. The family will be returning to China where Kewei will take up a job as Professor.

Stay on for a BYO lunch after the Church Meeting

PS Kids’ program is on today. Youth will also head out for their Bible study.



SUNDAY 26 June. Advent Sunday 2. Church Members meeting following 10am Service. Details below.
FRIDAY 1 July 6pm. Carols in the Tab.
SUNDAY 3 July 10am. Christmas in Winter


Luminous Festival

What a fabulous two weeks we have had! Starting with Michael Henderson’s art installation, How lonely lies this land, once so full of people, and followed by the three Conversations.

Luminous Conversations:

Receiving Welcome Conversation

Receiving Welcome with Panel members Michael Henderson, Kate Warner and Tim McCormack shared some of their journey and their desires regarding healing the broken relationships between the indigenous and non-indigenous Australians that have existed for generations.

Brave Leadership Panel

Brave Leadership panel Jenny Baxter, Rebecca White, Ella Hickey and Wendy Quinn shared some of their experiences in leadership.

Although all four leadership roles are within different professions there was a common thread – Challenging times require bravery from leaders. Those present appreciated the vulnerability that was exposed by each one and were inspired and encouraged by all that was shared.

David Knox - Losing my Religion.

Losing my Religion was the title given to David Knox’s talk. David shared the highs and the lows of his personal journey. “Losing my religion” apart from being the title of a song, sounds like an all too common path experienced by many. But, all stories are not the same. David’s story had its homecoming, which was heart-warming and perhaps a little unexpected.

Our thanks must go to

  • All our panel members for being willing to be part of our Luminous Festival,
  • Stephen who hosted the conversations,
  • Those who helped behind the scenes, particularly with erecting and dismantling the sculptures,
  • The Go family who catered for the Conversations, and
  • Everyone who supported the Festival by attending.

Christmas in Winter


Christmas Meals: This week which leads to Christmas nest weekend! Hosted by you, in your home – how are your plans going?

Carols: Friday 1 July commencing at 6pm. Guest artists Zoe Fitzherbert and Brett Budgeon and much more.
Afterwards, a hot drink and Christmas treats will be served.
You are encouraged to invite a friend to this fabulous, heart warming free event! To book your spot click the button below.

Christmas Day: Sunday 3 July at 10am.
No distractions, no presents, just come and enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus – bringing Light into the World coming in the darkness of winter. Why not invite a friend or two.

HBC CHURCH MEMBERS’ MEETING – This Sunday – 26 June 2022

The HBC Church Members’ meeting is on this Sunday, 26 June, 2022 in the Gibson Hall after morning tea which follows the 10am service.

The agenda items and information for your consideration, which can be found on the “Church Members and Others” page, include the Draft Budget for the 2022-2023 Financial Year and a recommendation from the Diaconate regarding an extension of the Senior Pastor’s call.

Missions Budget 2022/23

Have you had your say?

The practice for many years has been for the Finance Committee and the Diaconate to propose how the budget amount for Missions is allocated. After allocation of the Home Missions (Tas Baptists) portion, the discretionary amount remaining in the 2022/23 Budget is $5,250 for others.

Previous budgets have provided for the Bible Society, Elizabeth College Chaplaincy and Baptist Mission Australia (previously GiA). There are many people in need, therefore the Diaconate would welcome suggestions from members of the congregation who have a desire to support a particular worthwhile agency eg. Hobart City Mission.

Please respond to Heather Galloway by email


Tab Upgrade Proposal

Towards the end of 2019 a proposal to upgrade the Tab, which was not part of the Redevelopment, was put together and presented to the church community over a number of sessions, and planning approval was granted by the Hobart City Council. Work needs to have started before the end of the year to make use of the groundwork that has been done.

Initial estimate of costs for the tab upgrade was $500,000. It includes essential maintenance of the Heritage building, making the foyer more welcoming and upgrading the stage area, lighting, heating, carpet, pew upholstery and more.

The Deacons would love to hear from anyone who can help with:-

  • ideas for fundraising
  • writing applications for grants from various government bodies
  • approaching businesses and philanthropic trusts
  • determining the priorities of the different projects and obtaining cost estimates
  • being part of a team and getting involved

The Building redevelopment has provided great spaces which are being used and enjoyed in many different ways. The Tab Upgrade will further enhance our facilities and ensure that it is able to serve the community for many more generations.

Please email or talk to the secretary if you would like to know more about it or to put your hand up to get on board.

Where is God calling you to serve?

Many opportunities exist to serve here at Hobart Baptist:-

Cup of coffee
  • Behind the scenes – with some vacuuming, mopping, cleaning, dusting . . . Please get in touch with Duncan Sinclair, to find out more.
  • Participation in 10am Service – praying, reading the Bible, singing, helping with technology . . . Contact Matt Henderson, or Sean Priest,
  • Hospitality – serving, cooking, morning teas, special functions, coffee shop . . . Kath Smith is the one to talk to,

HBC futures


Hands, Face and Space

An increasing number of the Church Family are testing positive and families spending more time at home than expected!

Let us continue to care for each other as best we can and remember that the nature of the virus is that it is generally passed on before you know that you have it. There is no need to feel guilty if you find yourself in that situation.

  • Stay home if you feel unwell and get tested.
  • Remember – Hands, Face, Space and be sensitive to those around us.

Let us know if you need any assistance.

Heather Galloway
Duty of Care Officer

GIVING – Your tithes and offerings

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7

We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.

It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.

EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.

You can give online here>>>