Small Groups

Assoc. Pastor Matt Henderson
Matt Henderson

Moonah Small Group
Thursday Nights
For details email, Attn: Matt Henderson

Geoffrey Clarke

Men’s Discussion Group
10am, 3rd Monday of the month.
Meets in the Boreham Room, upstairs, at the church.
For details email, Attn: Geoffrey Clarke

Heather Galloway
Heather Galloway

Ladies’ Coffee Mornings
2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday of each month (Feb-Nov)
Meets at Esteem Coffee
For details email, Attn: Heather Galloway

2024 Coffee Morning Dates
February: Tuesday 27th
March: Thursday 14th; Tuesday 26th
April: Thursday 11th; Tuesday 23rd
May: Thursday 9th; Tuesday 28th
June: Thursday 13th; Tuesday 25th

July: Thursday 11th; Tuesday 23rd
August: Thursday 8th; Tuesday 27th
September: Thursday 12th; Tuesday 24th
October: Thursday 10th; Tuesday 22nd
November: Thursday 14th; Tuesday 26th