Christmas in Winter

In July 2020 we celebrated in the middle of Winter to
recapture the spirit of a northern Christmas!
Free tickets were essential to comply with COVID-19 regulations. However, this event is now over.
As Winter turned to Spring, and we emerged out of the isolated darkness of the COVID-19 restrictions, it was a great way to anticipate the coming of light and warmth.
It was our celebration of the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago. He is Emmanuel – God is with us – especially at Christmas!
Unexpected? Yes! But celebrating in the middle of Winter means there are no end-of-year functions, no school musicals or graduations, and no last-minute gift shopping. What’s more, candles glow at 4.30 in the afternoon.
It made for a heavenly Christmas, and our well-loved carols made sense.
3 Opportunities to Celebrate
1. Carols at the Tab
Saturday night
July 25 | 6pm
Most of the Carols were written to be sung in the middle of winter, and this time we’ll sing them in ours! All with the appropriate social distancing of course.
The sun will have set, it will not be too late for the children, and we’ll keep warm, singing with great gusto, warm apple cider and gingerbread.
From 5pm street piano music will waft far and wide. Featuring local musicians, bring your blanket, hat and gloves to stay cosy!
2. Christmas Dinner | In your home

Any night during Christmas week
Imagine hot roasted meat and vegetables, steamed puddings and your favourite drink.
Make it a real celebration. Get out the decorations, dim the lights, put up the Christmas tree, light the candles, pull out your best crockery, and light up the fire.
There will be no need to give gifts, as your gift is cosy evenings in the presence of family, friends and neighbours.
3. Christmas Day | Sunday July 26
10 am
A time to focus in on the birth of Jesus and
all that it means for you in this unique year of 2020.
Despite the fear, despair, darkness and doubt, God is with us. Emmanuel! There is every reason to cheer.
Christmas Sermons
We celebrated Advent in the two weeks leading up to Christmas, as we expectantly waited in preparation for the celebration of the Nativity.
Have a listen to a sermon!
July 12: First Sunday in Advent – Scott Ambrose >>>
July 19: Second Sunday in Advent – Joel Ortiz >>>
July 26: Christmas Day – Stephen Baxter >>>