Church Family News, March 2022

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday, 27th March

To see like Jesus

SERMON: Join us for the continuation of our Vision series as Stephen Baxter speaks to us on how to Hope like Jesus and value the future.

Our vision series this year focuses on the life of Jesus exploring how we might see and live like Jesus did. Asking the question, “Do I see the world as Jesus sees it?” READ MORE HERE >>>

This Sunday is Harmony Day. Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. You’re welcome to wear a national dress.

Presentation the 137th Annual Report for HBC at the Church Members’ Meeting after the service..

BIBLE READING: Matt 6:5-15

WATCH: YouTube service, available 10.15am Sunday >>>

STAY FOR Lunch after morning tea! Everyone is welcome to morning tea after the service and, following that, to hang around for a BYO lunch.

PLEASE NOTE: Kids’ Church and Youth are on today.



SUNDAY 27 MARCH 10am. Harmony Sunday, Members’ Meeting

WEDNESDAY 30 MARCH 7.15am for 7.30am – 8.30am. Prayer for our City  in preparation for the Tasmania Celebration at ‘Your Church’ Moonah

THURSDAY 7 APRIL 6-9pm. Presentation of HBC Vision

SUNDAY 10 APRIL 10am. Vision Sunday

FRIDAY 15 APRIL 9:30am. Good Friday Service

SUNDAY 17 APRIL 10am. Easter Sunday, including a Baptismal Service.


ALL WELCOME to attend the Church Members’ Meeting this Sunday 27 March 2022 following the 10am Service. For more information on the proposed changes to the Constitution, an application for membership from David Knox and more, go to the HBC Members and Others Page>>>
Papers have been emailed out and copies will be available at the meeting.

The 137th Annual Report for HBC, which is a record of the life of the church throughout 2021, will be presented. It was a challenging year, so it will be good to come together and celebrate all that was achieved and to acknowledge that God was with us through the highs and the lows.


Harmony week

Harmony Sunday is the culmination of Harmony week. As part of celebrating our cultural diversity you are encouraged to wear a costume or national dress as you are able.

Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

The cultural diversity in our church is very obvious each Sunday and we are all blessed by what each and every person brings to HBC.

To find our more about Harmony Week events in Tassie click here>>>


To See Like Jesus: his vision for his church.

When Jesus taught about the kingdom of God, he invited us to into a new way of seeing. Our vision series this year focuses on the life of Jesus exploring how we might see and live like Jesus did. READ MORE>>>

To envisage what it is to be the church God wants us to be, we need to return to learn again from Jesus of Nazareth “who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power” (Romans 1:4). In this series we will look at how he lived out the kingdom of God on earth.


HBC futures

As our 2022 Vision Sermon Series draws to a close at Easter, all are welcome and encouraged to attend an evening presentation of our Vision on:-

Thursday 7 April 6 – 9pm in the Soundy Lounge.
It will begin with a shared meal, commencing at 6pm ahead of the presentation of our vision and how it connects with our values as we have been learning in the current sermon series.

Please RSVP by 4 April if you will be attending and require a meal. Email or phone or text me on 0427 974 073.


Believers Baptism

A baptismal service will be held during the 10am Service on Sunday 17 April, Easter Sunday. 
Baptism is the public declaration of faith, an important step of obedience in your walk with God.
If you have been considering this step, you are encouraged to talk to one of our Pastors or the Secretary today. 


Crossover Easter Offering

Crossover is a national ministry dedicated to Helping Australian Baptists Share Jesus through encouragement, training and resources. Entirely funded by people who agree this vital work Makes a world of difference.
Our Good Friday Offering on the 15 April will go directly to Crossover in support of this work. If you know you will not be in church on Good Friday but would like to contribute, flyers on how to contribute to the Make a World of Difference appeal are available in church this week, and you can pop your donation in the offering box in an envelope suitable marked.
Or you can go online to donate at


Welcomers in HBC Foyer

A new Church Directory is long overdue and very necessary to help us keep in touch with people.
Your assistance is required to help us update Elvanto as the first step to producing a new directory soon after Easter. Please let the secretary or one of the Welcomers know of any change in either address or contact details. If you are not currently in our directory and would like to be, please let us know.

Heather Galloway
Secretary HBC


Jan and Jitt

Jan and Jit have finally “returned to Thailand” after a 2+ year delay arriving in Bangkok on Monday 7th March and after a few days there managing formalities travelled to their provincial city of Kanchanaburi on Monday 14th March. Their newsletter contains the latest news and a poem to encourage. Please click here >>> to read their newsletter.

Assistance for Refugee Evac Centre in Kyiv

Anton, Kelvin’s friend, is a Pastor with the Evangelical Free denomination in Kiev Ukraine. Anton’s Father Antonoli is the Bishop of that denomination which represents about 80 churches. Both have remained in Kiev throughout the invasion. 

The main Evangelical Free church has become one of many hubs that are assisting refugees out of danger zones. Refugees are brought to the hub, fed and tended to medically if necessary, then taken on buses to various other cities in Ukraine. Thankfully they were donated 2 x 51 seater buses and have 2 drivers and a van to aid their efforts, they also have a free medical service stationed at the hub. They’ve moved about 3000 refugees in this manner. 

Moving refugees by bus in Kiev
Food for the refugees in Kiev

The cost of fuel for continually running the buses is about USD$1500 per week. The cost of food at the shelter is about USD$1000 per week. This is becoming unsustainable. We’d like to initially cover these costs for the next 2 weeks then see where we go from there. We have set up a GoFundMe account:

If you would like to contribute, 100% of proceeds will go to fuel and food for refugees. You can contribute via the GoFundMe account or discuss alternatives with me, 0416 281 412

Kelvin Smith
Director, City networks


Christian Life and witness course

Did You Miss Out On The Christian Life And Witness Course?

The Christian Life and Witness Course offers practical ways for you to grow in your faith in Christ as well as how to effectively share God’s love. Additional courses have been added in Hobart and Launceston.

This course is required for those who wish to serve as a Prayer Volunteer (Counsellor) during the Tasmania Celebration events. You can find a class near you.

Online classes are also available, please click here to register your details

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” —1 Peter 3:15, NIV

HBC futures


Check in TAS App

Life is different now, but it goes on! Restrictions have eased, but case numbers are rising, so may I encourage you that caution is still a sensible approach, and it is ok to stay within your comfort zone.

We all have the opportunity to care for each other as Jesus would have – those we love, those who are vulnerable, whether we know them or not, by :-

  • Respecting social distancing
  • Wearing a mask – no longer required in church, but please feel free to do so.
  • Remembering to use the hand sanitiser provided and by washing hands frequently.
  • Being vaccinated – If you’re not already, you can book by calling the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 or visiting Booster shots are recommended and are now available.
  • Considering your health and the health of others – stay home if you feel unwell
    -If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, no matter how mild, stay at home and get tested. To organise a test call the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 or register at
  • Keeping informed and up to date with Public Health and Government requirements.

I trust you are doing ok. Remember to talk to someone if you are concerned, and don’t forget, God is with you, hold on to your faith at all times.

Heather Galloway
Duty of Care Officer

GIVING – Your tithes and offerings

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7

We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.

It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.

EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.

You can give online here>>>