Church Family News – September 2024

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday 29 September

ALL WELCOME to our Sunday Service at 10am. This week, Matt Henderson continues the Future Kingdom: Now series.

BIBLE READING: Matthew 12:1-8
SERMON: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

You are welcome to join us for MORNING TEA following the service.

YOUNG PEOPLE: Kids’ Church and HBC Youth are taking a break during School holidays.

WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday

HBC ROOM USE OR HIRE: For enquiries regarding room use/hire, please email Kelvin Smith ( or Connie Sim (

PLEASE NOTE: To contribute to Connecter and Church Family News for any Sunday, please email no later than 9am the Wednesday prior.


FRIDAY 27th 10am. Adult Colouring and Jigsaw Table
SUNDAY 29th 10am. Matthew: Future Kingdom Now continues

SATURDAY 12th 10am. Shoebox packing day
SUNDAY 13th 10am. Dedication of Shoeboxes during service.
SUNDAY 13th 12:30pm. First strategic planning/exploration session

SUNDAY 10th 10am. 140th Anniversary of Hobart Baptist Church
SUNDAY 24th 11.30am. Annual Members’ Meeting


Hobart Baptist Church building

140th Anniversary of Hobart Baptist Church

Hobart Baptist Church will celebrate its 140th anniversary on 10 November 2024, with a historically themed service featuring a choir accompanied by the organ.
If you’re interested in joining the choir, please contact Ryan 0457 286 582 or Jeremiah 0493 651 114.

SERMON SERIES – MATTHEW: Future Kingdom, Now

7 July – 3 November

As we read through Matthew, we find Jesus establishing a ‘New Thing’ as he proclaims and shares about the Kingdom of God and challenges us to have a bigger idea of God and also lays out an agenda of what it means to follow and serve God in this world. 

Matthew is an account of revolutionary change. Jesus has come to change the world. As we journey through this book, it is an opportunity to reflect on what the revolutionary and disruptive message of Jesus means for us in the city of Hobart in 2024, and how we can better align ourselves with Jesus. 

Read more >

UPDATE – Esteem Coffee

Great news! There is movement on the upgrade of the church kitchen. Please pray that this gains momentum and that the doors will open for this to happen very soon.

More good news! Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, the Church has been able to purchase the coffee machine and coffee grinder. Praise God!

At Kelvin’s request, a review of Esteem’s operation and the church’s priorities for the building, our mission and ministry is underway. Your prayers for this process and input into the conversations would be appreciated. Thank you to those who have already provided feedback.

If you would like more information feel free to catch up with Kelvin, Heather or Scott.


Hobart Baptist are supporting the Operation Christmas Child program during 2024.

It’s SEPTEMBER and we are collecting items from all categories:

  • Clothing – tshirts, shorts, socks, underwear 
  • Stationary – pencil case, exercise book, ruler (15cm)
  • Hygiene – toothbrush, facewasher, comb 
  • Something to play with – Tennis balls
  • Cash donations can be made in lieu of shopping
  • Donations for postage of $12.50 per box welcome.

October 12 – Shoebox packing day. And what a fun day that will be!
Or, if you prefer, why not take a box or two home and pack them yourself?

Please see Kylie Henderson or Celia Munro for more info.

Here are some ideas for gifts >


Christian Ethics Survey

This is a research project being led by Prof Douglas Ezzy from the University of Tasmania. It is part of a larger project funded by an Australian Research Council (ARC) grant and has been approved by the Tasmania Social Sciences Human Research Ethics Committee, with project ID 30760. 

This survey aims to describe the ethical approaches and attitudes of Christians in Australia, with a particular focus on their attitudes toward LGBTQ+ people. 

If you would like more details talk to Matt Henderson, and to take this survey, click here,

Friendship Groups at Esteem


FRIDAYS: Adult Colouring and Jigsaw Table

  • Friday mornings
  • Hosted by Karen Conway and Celia Munro

English Conversation and Tuesday Discussion Group is on hold until the end of the year.

(William and Camille are away until mid-December.)

Email Kelvin if you are interested or have ideas for other groups:


Want to come together with other Christians and pray for our City?

Details for 2024 dates

7.15am for 7.30am.
City Prayer: Finish 8.30am | City Breakfasts: Finish 8.30am
30th OctoberHobart Baptist (282 Elizabeth St. Nth Hobart)
27th November – Hobart City Church of Christ  (8 Goulburn St, Hobart)

Let’s come together and pray for our city – knowing that ALL things are possible in Him.
Pastor Dave Morse, Your Church Moonah.


‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7

We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.

It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.

EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.

You can give online here