Jesus the Good Shepherd, Mar 24 2019

Today’s Preacher: Stephen Baxter
Jesus the Good Shepherd who carries the heart of God
The gospels describe Jesus as the continuation of the heart of our God, powerfully illustrated as the Good Shepherd in John 10.
It is a description of Jesus as he was then and how he is today: intimately present, powerfully active, full of mercy and compassion for everyone, and willing to do whatever it takes to show he loves us.
We encourage you to join us this Lent, and to dwell on all Jesus is and does for us. In this second week of the series, we pick up on the life of David, the shepherd boy who became King. He carries forward the heart of God from the Old Testament.
Stephen explains David’s life in a “first person narrative” style sermon.
Today’s Bible readings: John 10; Psalm 23