Mourning with those who Mourn

Sermon Series – 2 May to 6 June , 2021

Practicing the Art of Lament

Last year, during the COVID-19 lock-down, we began our 2020 series on Lament. It was profound timing.

As the world reeled from the pandemic, we brought a prayer of lament for the world in all its brokenness, sinfulness, suffering and pain. This year we return to this wonderful biblical form of prayer, a gift of God for difficult, sad and painful moments.


2 MayRomans 12:9-21A Time for Lament
YouTube service; Audio + Q&A
Stephen Baxter
9 MayPsalm 139:1-17A Lament for the Past
YouTube Service; Audio + Q&A
Michael Henderson
16 MayGenesis 3:17-24A Lament for the Land
YouTube Service; Audio + Q&A
Liam Conway
23 MayPsalm 22:1-11A Lament of Despair
YouTube Service; Audio + Q&A
Stephen Baxter
30 MayPsalm 23A Lament for the Building
YouTube service; No Audio this week, sorry
Stephen Baxter
6 JuneRomans 8:18-39 A Lament for the Future
YouTube service; Audio + Q&A
Stephen Baxter

Lament is the cry of heart for when we are hurting, confused and pain filled. The Bible is full of examples of God’s people bringing their lament to God. It is an act of faith where, though we are tempted to turn our back on God because of anger and disenchantment, we address our complaint to him.

But there is more to lament.

In his letter to the small church in Rome, Paul encouraged them to “Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn” (12:15). To rejoice with others is one thing, to mourn with them another. Notice, Paul doesn’t say, “Give advice to them,” or “remind them they should claim victory in the resurrection.” Rather, Paul expects a mourning with, and alongside, others.

Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn

Romans 12:15

This is perhaps something we are not so good at. Such mourning does not try to change things, all it does is share in the burden of sorrows. Nothing is fixed, nothing is solved, except one profound thing — they are no longer alone.

As we dig deeper in understanding and praying prayers of lament this year, our focus will be on what it means for us as a church, and as individuals, to mourn with those who mourn. After all, this is what the Creator did as he entered his creation as a human being, entered into our suffering and pain, and mourned with us.

Such a lament is not a cause of despair, but of hope.

Such a lament is not a cause of despair, but of hope. As we mourn with others in hope, the God of hope is with us and working through that hope, may enter the heart of the other, and into the whole community.

Let’s look forward to what God has in store for us in this year’s exploration of lament.