Comfort | 9 January to 6 February, 2022
God’s Promises for the Discouraged, Weary and Fainthearted After 39 chapters of narrative, the Book of Isaiah takes a dramatic shift and becomes a book of poetry. Up to this point the focus has been the future exile of the northern kingdom of Israel before it is conquered and its people taken into captivity. But […]
Read moreThe Power of God, August 18 2019
This Sunday, Ministry Intern Liam Conway, preaches a sermon to segue between the last sermon series from Michael Henderson, Recapturing Wonder; and the next series from Stephen Baxter, Jesus First. Today’s Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20; Isaiah 59:17
Read moreRecapturing Wonder, July 7 2019
God’s Heart Until August 11, the weekly sermon at Hobart Baptist Church is a series outlining the basics of faith. It will not focus around arguments, but will approach it from an experience perspective. We encourage you to bring anyone wanting to explore faith in a new way to what they may have heard before. […]
Read moreGOD IS BIGGER, Feb 10 2019
We Value Each Other – Family Service God, and His vision for Hobart Baptist Church, is bigger than whatever you or we have experienced, known or can even imagine. Will you join us in 2019 on this journey of exploring our infinitely big God and His love for the city of Hobart? Because, He is […]
Read moreAdvent 1: Home longing, December 3
Christmas in Australia is full of festivities, fun and families. But not for everyone. Life for many is weighed down by boredom, sadness and meaninglessness. Whatever our life experience, Christmas stirs up intense emotions that can be described as a longing for home. That is why we put so much energy into our traditions or […]
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