Comfort | 9 January to 6 February, 2022

God’s Promises for the Discouraged, Weary and Fainthearted 

After 39 chapters of narrative, the Book of Isaiah takes a dramatic shift and becomes a book of poetry. Up to this point the focus has been the future exile of the northern kingdom of Israel before it is conquered and its people taken into captivity. But from chapter 40 the book of Isaiah skips ahead about 150 years into the future and speaks to those living in captivity. 

In exile, the Israelites are discouraged, depressed and suffering deeply. They are filled with deep questions such as: Has God abandoned us? Will the promises God made to us be kept? Does God want to deliver us. Can God deliver us? And will God deliver us? 

They answer is an emphatic “yes!” God calls the prophet to “comfort” Israel in exile. He is to bring the people bringing hope, encouragement, and good news to ease and soothe their troubled hearts.

Thousands of years later, God still speaks to us from Isaiah 40. We can learn from the experience of the exiles and draw from their promised hope. Amid the challenges we face in our world and our communities, we too need to be reminded that God is with us even in the middle of our troubles, questions and challenges. Isaiah gives us insights into how God can comfort us today and give hope in the days ahead.

9 JanuaryIsaiah 40:1-5Comfort, Comfort my people [intro] WATCH >Liam Conway
16 JanuaryIsaiah 40:6-11Comforted by God’s Word [40:8] WATCH >Stephen Baxter
23 JanuaryIsaiah 40:12-17Comforted by God’s Greatness [40:12] WATCH >Stephen Baxter
30 JanuaryIsaiah 40:18-28Comforted by God’s Power [40:28] WATCH >Stephen Baxter
6 FebruaryIsaiah 40:25-31Comforted by God’s Strength [40:31] WATCH >Joel Ortiz