A Time to Weep, May 17 2020
God’s gift of Lament
Today’s Preacher: Joanna Sinclair
The entire service, approx 30 minutes, is available on YouTube, below.
Sermon Title: A Lament for the New Earth
In this series we are exploring “Lament” as God’s gift to us and actively engage in lament for our world, our community, our families and ourselves.
Our aim is to learn together how to lament well. Each Sunday we enter into grief of a particular issue, at both a corporate and individual level. This brings a strong ‘contemplative’ feel to our services.
We will sing songs talking about human suffering, rather than songs that move too quickly to announce that everything is going to be okay. Each week we are endeavouring to use poetry and/or responsive readings as well as testimony of lament.
Jesus will be our focus as we grapple with the deep truth that Jesus is named “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3).
To read more info about this sermon series CLICK HERE >>>
Today’s Bible readings: Revelation 21:1-7 and Psalm 90