Church Family News, February 2023

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday, 26 February

The Great Roadtrip

All welcome this Sunday at 10am as Baxter continues The Great Road Trip sermon series from Luke’s gospel.

Can’t make it? Watch LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday

We have a Q&A session with the speaker each Sunday after the sermon. To join, text your question to 0491 070 718.

SERMON: The Great Road Trip – “Lord, Teach Us to Pray”.

BIBLE READING: Luke 11:1-13

WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday

You are welcome to a time of fellowship over morning tea after the service followed by a BYO lunch.

Update on HBC Sound System.

Sound Desk

No doubt you will have noticed that we have been experiencing some challenges with our technical equipment in recent weeks, most noticeably with the sound both in the Tab and online. The improvement achieved with the introduction of new microphones was short lived because the sound desk began behaving badly and was taken in for repair. Unfortunately the repair has proven more difficult and therefore taking longer than expected. In the meantime we have been using a much more basic system which has caused issues for people watching online more than those in person. Last week’s microphone placement resulted in a significant improvement. Thank you for your feedback and continued patience as we work to serve you better.

February and March dates


SUNDAY 26 February, 10am Service. The Great Road Trip Sermon Series continues.

THE MONTH OF MARCH Operation Christmas Child School supplies will be collected. See details below.

SUNDAY 19 March, 10am Service. Harmony Sunday and Sanctuary Sunday. Baptismal service.

SUNDAY 26 March, 10am Service. Followed by a Church Members’ Meeting including a presentation of HBC’s 138th Annual Report.

The Great Road Trip sermon series

As we move out of the holidays, and into 2023 proper, we want to build on our theme of welcome as we continue to work through Luke’s gospel and follow Jesus on The Great Road Trip.

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Luke 9:51

The next ten chapters of Luke’s gospel document the events of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. These chapters are filled with momentous events and revolutionary teaching as Jesus and his followers make their way to the city. 

To read more, visit The Great Road Trip sermon series page.

March 19 – Sanctuary Sunday / Harmony Day

Harmony Day

Harmony Week is an opportunity for the whole community to recognise, acknowledge and celebrate the diversity that brings Australians, from all different backgrounds, together. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Sanctuary Sunday is Hobart Baptist Church’s celebration of the richness and diversity we have within our own community and are blessed to enjoy each day.

Twice a year, March and September, we aim to bring as many of our different communities together and participate in the 10am service, and share fellowship afterwards over morning tea.

This year we will celebrate on Sunday 19 March, just ahead of Harmony Day on 21 March. Please put the date in your diary and if you have a National Costume you are encouraged to wear it on the day.

Harmony Day 2022


Hobart Baptist Church are again supporting Operation Christmas Child in 2023.  In March, we will begin by collecting Something for School:

  • 9×7 exercise books (larger books will not fit in the boxes)
  • 15cm rulers (30cm rulers will not fit in the boxes)
  • pencil cases
  • pencils
  • colouring pencils
  • pens
  • sharpeners
  • erasers
  • chalk
  • library bag

If you prefer to give a financial donation instead of shopping for items that’s great! We need money to cover the sending costs of $10/box.

For further information please speak to Celia or Kylie. THANK YOU for your generosity!


A Church Members’ Meeting will be held on Sunday 26 March following the 10am service.

The 138th Annual Report for HBC will be presented at this meeting. All ministry leaders are reminded that their contribution is to reach the secretary before the end of February!

Further details to come. ALL WELCOME, so please put this date in your diaries.

GIVING – Your tithes and offerings

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7

We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.

It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.

EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.

You can give online here