Church Family News – November 2024

This Sunday, 24 November

YOU ARE WELCOME to the 10am service this Sunday, as Matt Henderson will encourage us with his message “Growing in the Wilderness”.
Following the Service and morning tea, the Church Annual Members’ meeting will take place in the Gibson Hall. This is an important meeting in the church calendar as elections for Deacons and Office Bearers for 2025 take place.
SERMON: Growing in the Wilderness
BIBLE READING: Isaiah 43:18-19
You are welcome to join us for MORNING TEA following the service.
YOUNG PEOPLE: Kids’ Church is on, but HBC Youth will stay in the service.
WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday

HBC ROOM USE OR HIRE: For enquiries regarding room use/hire, please email Kelvin Smith ( or Connie Sim (
PLEASE NOTE: To contribute to Connecter and Church Family News for any Sunday, please email no later than 9am the Wednesday prior.
SUNDAY 24th 10am Growing in the Wilderness, 11:30am. Annual Members’ Meeting
WEDNESDAY 27th at 6:30am for 6:45am. Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast.
SUNDAY 1st 10am. Christmas Stars Sermon Series begins.
SATURDAY 7th 10:00am-2:00pm. Church Working Bee – All welcome!
SUNDAY 8th 10am Worship Service. 2:00-5:00pm Safe Church Training.
SUNDAY 15th 10:00am. Empty Christmas Tree Service. Christmas goodies stall.
SUNDAY 22nd 10:00am. Christmas Stars continues.
WEDNESDAY 25th 9:30am Christmas Day Service
Following the Stars on our way to Jesus
1 December to 29 Dec 2024

Luke’s gospel tells us that the Magi followed signs in the stars to find Jesus. In Christmas Stars, we will be following the stars of the Christmas story on our way to encountering Jesus this Christmas.
As we explore these stories let’s ask the question of why the different people were included, and what we can learn from each of their stories.
For more information click here>>>

Youth & Young Adults
Commencing this Saturday, 23 November, the Youth & Young Adults group (aged 16-25) will be meeting from 6-7:30pm each Saturday night at HBC.
Speak to Jeremiah Ambrose for more info.
The Church Annual Members’ Meeting, followed by a General Church Members’ Meeting will be held this Sunday, 24 November, 2024 after the 10am Worship Service.
ALL WELCOME and encouraged to attend.
The main agenda items for the Annual Members’ Meeting are the election of Deacons (3) and Officers for 2025 and the reception of the Financial Statements for the Year 1 July 2023- 30 June 2024.
The Nominations Book is now closed.
The nominations received can be found on the HBC Members page >>>
A General Member’s Meeting will follow on after the AMM.
Reports will be presented by the Associate Pastor, The Treasurer and the Chairman of Deacons.
Applications for membership from our Colombian couple Maria del Pilar Florez and Eduard Zapata, as well as Ting Hwee Sim (Connie) will be considered.

Thursday night prayer time at HBC continues weekly from 6pm-7pm at HBC. David Knox will lead this while Matt Henderson is taking a well earnt short holiday.
This is an opportunity to come together, in prayer, as we seek to discern God’s will for the church in the months and years ahead.
To help find answers to questions such as :-
- Where are we at now?
- What is our vision for the church as we move forward?
- How can I contribute to the life of the church?
- What type and style of Pastoral Leadership will we need to take us where we need to be?
Hope to see you there.
Church Working Bee
Saturday 7 December, 10am – 2pm.

An opportunity for fun, fellowship and some good work to be done to help spruce the church up ahead of the Christmas season.
Volunteers of all ages required to join in the fun.
For more information talk to Duncan Sinclair or Kelvin Smith.
Safe Church Training
Sunday 8 December, 2-5pm.
This training is for those who have not attended previous training, and particularly members of our Karen community.
For further information and to RSVP talk to Joanna Sinclair or Gay Nay.

Sunday 15 December
On Sunday 15 December you will once again have the opportunity to lay a gift under the Empty Christmas Tree during the church service. This is a long-standing tradition at HBC, in fact this is the 75th Anniversary of the Empty Christmas.
On this day, you are invited to bring a gift, such as a book, toy, game,
clothing, non-perishable food item, gift card, voucher or financial donation
to place under the tree. Gifts should be new, unwrapped and can be for all
ages. Come and experience the joy of giving.

All gifts and donations will be delivered to Hobart City Mission for distribution.
In addition there will be a Christmas Market in the foyer during morning tea. Donations of baked goods and Christmas treats welcome. Money raised will boost our donations to the needy in our community through Hobart City Mission.
Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2024

Wednesday, 27 November 2024
6:30am for a 6:45am start
Hotel Grand Chancellor
This year’s Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, 27 November. The Breakfast brings together like-minded people from across Tasmania to pray for our
State, our leaders, parliamentarians, businesses, schools, communities, and community
organisations; our families, youth, and children.

This year’s guest speaker is Mike Baird, former NSW Treasurer and 44th Premier of NSW. Mike has served and continues to serve in a variety of positions, caring for the most vulnerable in the community.
Click here to read more

FRIDAYS: Adult Colouring and Jigsaw Table
- Friday mornings
- Hosted by Karen Conway and Celia Munro
English Conversation and Tuesday Discussion Group is on hold until the end of the year. (William and Camille are away until mid-December.)
Email Kelvin if you are interested or have ideas for other groups:
Want to come together with other Christians and pray for our City?

Details for 2024 dates
7.15am for 7.30am.
City Prayer: Finish 8.30am | City Breakfasts: Finish 8.30am
27 November – Hobart City Church of Christ (8 Goulburn St, Hobart)
Let’s come together and pray for our city – knowing that ALL things are possible in Him.
Pastor Dave Morse, Your Church Moonah.

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.
It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.
EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.