Church Family News – October 2024

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday 27 October

ALL WELCOME to our Sunday Service at 10am.

Matt and Kelvin will continue the Future Kingdom: Now Sermon Series, encouraging us with insights from two stories found in Matthew 15.
Matt will talk about “What Really Makes Us Unclean” and Kelvin “The Faith of the Canaanite Woman”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 15:8-10

You are welcome to join us for MORNING TEA following the service.

YOUNG PEOPLE: Kids’ Church is on but HBC Youth will stay in the service.

WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday

HBC ROOM USE OR HIRE: For enquiries regarding room use/hire, please email Kelvin Smith ( or Connie Sim (

PLEASE NOTE: To contribute to Connecter and Church Family News for any Sunday, please email no later than 9am the Wednesday prior.


SUNDAY 27th 10am. Matthew Series continues.
WEDNESDAY 30th 7:30am. City prayer at Hobart Baptist Church.
THURSDAY 31st 6:30-7:30pm. The Battery. Weekly prayer time at HBC commences.

SATURDAY 2nd 2-4pm. Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer.
SUNDAY 3rd 10am. Matthew Sermon Series Concludes. Communion Service.
SUNDAY 10th 10am. 140th Anniversary of Hobart Baptist Church.
FRIDAY 15th 5:30-7:30pm. Ping-Pong-a-Thon. Hobart City Church of Christ.
SUNDAY 27th 10am Service. 11.30am. Annual Members’ Meeting

140th Anniversary of Hobart Baptist Church

Hobart Baptist Church building

Hobart Baptist Church will celebrate its 140th anniversary on 10 November 2024, with a historically themed service featuring a choir accompanied by the organ.

It will be a great service. I’m sure we will all learn things about our church history and it will be great to celebrate it in this way. It also provides the perfect opportunity to invite someone we haven’t seen in a little while.
Printed Invitations available in the foyer or click here>>>

A Special morning tea will be held following the service

Contributions welcome. Please talk to Heather Galloway if you are able to help.

Donations of flowers and greenery for the 140th anniversary service are required. If you can help, please deliver to Esteem on Friday 8th November (the Friday preceding the service). They can be left at Esteem as soon as it opens! Helpers are also welcome on that day about 10. 30 am to prepare flower vases. The more helpers, the sooner the task will be completed!
Margaret Eldridge

SERMON SERIES – MATTHEW: Future Kingdom, Now

7 July – 3 November

As we read through Matthew, we find Jesus establishing a ‘New Thing’ as he proclaims and shares about the Kingdom of God and challenges us to have a bigger idea of God and also lays out an agenda of what it means to follow and serve God in this world. 

Matthew is an account of revolutionary change. Jesus has come to change the world. As we journey through this book, it is an opportunity to reflect on what the revolutionary and disruptive message of Jesus means for us in the city of Hobart in 2024, and how we can better align ourselves with Jesus. 

Read more >


The Battery

Commencing this Thursday 31 October 2024, there will be a regular Thursday night prayer time from 6:30-7:30pm at HBC.

This is an opportunity to come together, in prayer, as we seek to discern God’s will for the church in the months and years ahead.

To help find answers to questions such as :-

  • Where are we at now?
  • What is our vision for the church as we move forward?
  • How can I contribute to the life of the church?
  • What type and style of Pastoral Leadership will we need to take us where we need to be?

Hope to see you there.

Youth & Young Adults

Youth & Young Adults group (aged 16-25) will be starting Saturday nights at 7pm from the 23 November at HBC. Speak to Jeremiah Ambrose for more info.

Women’s World Day of Prayer

Day of Prayer

Next Saturday 02 November, 2024
2.00-4.00pm, 2 Pottery Road, Lenah Valley

ALL WOMEN invited to join in pray with women from across Hobart. As you do so, may you experience the joy of living out your God-given purpose! Add your voice to the chorus of women in more than 100 countries who are interceding for their communities and seeking to be difference makers in the world. Link hearts and hands with others as we seek the wisdom of God’s Word, pray with intention, and hear how the Spirit is moving in every part of the world.

The Day of Prayer also offers an opportunity to give generously in support of Baptist ministry initiatives across the world. These financial gifts continue to make an eternal difference, providing practical help for women in need and equipping Baptist women to impact their world for Christ.

Find out more at




Did you know that playing Ping Pong can save lives!? That the fun and freedom of table tennis is the weapon of choice to bring global slavery to an end!? The aim is to bring communities together and unite them under one cause: to bring freedom to the world’s most vulnerable.

DATE: Friday 15th November
VENUE: Hobart City Church of Christ
TIMES: 5:30-7:30pm

Boys Brigade are once again participating in this worthwhile event. Senior & Junior boys will be playing ping-pong for the first hour or so of this 24 hour event.
Please consider sponsoring the boys for this great cause, or perhaps sign up to play yourself, or host an event of your own.


The Church Annual Members’ Meeting, followed by a General Church Members’ Meeting will be held on Sunday 24 November, 2024 after the 10am Worship Service.

ALL WELCOME and encouraged to attend.

The main agenda items for the Annual Members’ Meeting are the election of Deacons (3) and Officers for 2025 and the reception of the Financial Statements for the Year 1 July 2023- 30 June 2024.
The position of Secretary has been vacant all year. It would be great to have a nomination for the coming year!

There are many opportunities to contribute to the life of Hobart Baptist. Do you have skills and gifts that the church could use? Administration, IT, bookkeeping, minute taking, organisation and communication? Please prayerfully consider how you might contribute to the life of the Church.

The Nominations Book is now open.

Office Bearers are elected for a 1 year term, and Diaconate positions are for a three year term. To find out more about these roles, talk to the members of the Nominations committee (Heather Galloway, David Knox and Ben Wagner).

More details can be found on the HBC Members page >>>

Friendship Groups at Esteem


FRIDAYS: Adult Colouring and Jigsaw Table

  • Friday mornings
  • Hosted by Karen Conway and Celia Munro

English Conversation and Tuesday Discussion Group is on hold until the end of the year. (William and Camille are away until mid-December.)

Email Kelvin if you are interested or have ideas for other groups:


Want to come together with other Christians and pray for our City?

Details for 2024 dates

7.15am for 7.30am.
City Prayer: Finish 8.30am | City Breakfasts: Finish 8.30am
30th OctoberHobart Baptist (282 Elizabeth St. Nth Hobart)
27th November – Hobart City Church of Christ  (8 Goulburn St, Hobart)

Let’s come together and pray for our city – knowing that ALL things are possible in Him.
Pastor Dave Morse, Your Church Moonah.


‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7

We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.

It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.

EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.

You can give online here