Church Family News, September 2022
Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday, 25 September
Today is SANCTUARY SUNDAY where all the different Sanctuaries and groups that call HBC home come together in the one place at the same time – the Tab at 10am.
Bring a friend, wear national dress and something to share for morning tea.
SERMON: A Cross-Cultural Church
BIBLE READING: Revelation 7:9-12
WATCH: LIVE YouTube service at 10.00am Sunday >>
The new Church phone number, 0491 070 718 is the one to use for Q&A’s following the message.
Kids’ Church and Youth will stay in the Service this week, a 3 week break during School Holidays will follow.
All are welcome to stay on for a special morning tea after the service.
The Alpha Course continues beginning with lunch.
SUNDAY 25 September. Sanctuary Sunday – Celebrating the Intercultural nature of HBC – details below
SATURDAY 1 October 9am-1pm. Church “Spring Clean” / Working Bee.
SUNDAY 2 October 10am. New Sermon Series “Called” begins
SUNDAY 9 October 10am. Baptismal Service
SATURDAY 22 October 2pm. Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer – Claremont Baptist Church
Sanctuary Sunday – This Sunday 25 September
Hobart Baptist Church is home to people from many different countries and belonging to a number of different fellowships.
It will be the first Sanctuary Sunday since Covid, and for those who haven’t experienced one before, it is a great opportunity to celebrate the diversity and international nature of the HBC family – all together in the one place at the one time.
It will also be an opportunity to welcome and meet:-
- The Hobart Vision Church – the Korean Fellowship for whom HBC has been their home since March. Their worship service commences at 3pm in the Tab on Sunday afternoons, and
- The Vietnamese Family Church – who have recently commenced their Sunday worship in the Soundy Lounge at 2:30pm.
Wear national costume, bring a friend and be encouraged by and enjoy the blessings of being one in Christ. Support the Youth/Karen Stall.
Beginning next week, the new Sermon Series – “Called: What on Earth am I here for?” will run from 2-23 October.
In this series we will look at four aspects of the lifestyle Jesus calls us to live and how we can change our lives for the better by following the calling God has spoken into our lives, whether that be at work, school, home, retired, unwell or on holidays.
It is that time of year when we give everyone the opportunity to come together and lend a helping hand. The cleaning team does a great job, week after week, with the basics, but there are lots of little jobs that need to be done every now and then.
When: Saturday 1 October, 9am – 1pm.
Where: HBC
Who: Everyone – Young and old. Jobs for all levels of abilities/fitness from dusting to some heavy lifting and everything in between. Come for an hour, come for the morning!
Please let Duncan Sinclair, 0407 773 933, or Heather Galloway, 0427 974 073, know if you can come.
BAPTISMAL SERVICE – Sunday 9 October
A Baptism will take place during the 10am service on 9 October.
If you are considering Baptism as the next step in your Faith Journey, and would like to take this opportunity to do so, please talk to one of our Pastor’s today.
An opportunity to show Love at home
Beautiful 10 month old Bella Lay has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Treatment is expected to start immediately and requires her parents, who live in Hobart, to stay in Melbourne throughout the entire course of her treatment taking them away from their jobs/income and and making it expensive for family to visit etc.
Bella is the first child of Than Tun and Lay Ber. Than Tun (who some know as Damo) and Lay Ber have been married less than 2 years. Both came to our country via refugee camps in Thailand having fled Burma. Damo is a great mate to many of us, and has put in the hard yards as a landscaper to provide for his new family. Lay Ber came to Australia more recently.
You can support this young family through a GoFUNDME.COM campaign set up by Kelvin.
The money raised in this campaign will be given directly to Bella’s parents to be used in whatever way they see fit.
2022 Baptist Women’s World DAY of PRAYER
COME: 2pm, Saturday 22 October 2022
Claremont Baptist Church, cnr Boxhill Rd & Cullen St.
PRAY: As a Community of Women
Intercede for Baptist Women Worldwide
GIVE: Freewill Offering
Support Baptist Women doing amazing work in our region
RSVP 15 October I I 0401 652 566
Church Phone Number and Office Hours
The Church phone number, 0491 070 718, is mostly be held by the Secretary. Its main use if for any enquiries regarding room hire, and is on this website as a contact point for general enquiries. The phone is not always be attended, so please leave your name and number with a message.
As well it is now used on Sunday mornings for the Q&A’s after the sermon.
Church Office Hours
Currently, the Church office hours are:
Monday ——- 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Tuesday ——- 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Wednesday —- Closed
Thursday —— 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Friday ——– Closed
Saturday —— Closed
Sunday ——– 9:30am – 12:00 pm
For the moment it is necessary to ring the doorbell at the Glass Sliding Doors, and wait for someone to answer, to come to let you in, or to talk to you via the clever bell!
HBC Youth/BB/Karen Fundraiser.
The Youth Fundraiser continues! In 2021 the Youth embarked on a mission to raise $1800 to support 1 teacher to teach 20 students for a year in a Karen Refugee Camp. A big mission, which was accomplished.
This year, in conjunction with the Boys Brigade, they chose to raise the money in 2 lots of $900.
Encouraged by the successful car wash a couple of weeks ago, which took the total to just over $1,100 the Youth are keen to continue with the fundraising to get to the $1,800 target!
Look out for their stall at morning tea on Sanctuary Sunday – and come prepared with some loose change!
Alpha at HBC
The Alpha course at HBC over lunch every Sunday is drawing to a close. The last session is Sunday 9 October.
Alpha is available both in-person and online – so if attendees can’t be there on the day, they can still participate.
It’s a big commitment to keep coming week after week, but a small group of participants are doing so and it has been an important step in their faith journey. Please continue to be in prayer for all who started the course and for their ongoing journey.
Thank you!
Jenny Baxter, HBC Alpha Coordinator
GIVING – Your tithes and offerings
‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.
It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.
EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.