Hearing God: Listening Prayer

February 2025

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What is prayer? Prayer is a conversation. But, conversations are two-way.
How often do we listen when we pray? We have a God who wants relationship with His people. Jesus says; “… if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” [Matthew 18:19-20], this is an incredible promise, but what does it mean in practice?  

What does it look like to listen in prayer? How does God speak into our lives? Together, we will explore what it is like to have a conversation with God and ways to listen. What are some ways we can make ourselves more receptive to how God speaks into our lives? How do we test and discern?

Sermon Plan and YouTube Re-play

2 FebruaryHearing God Is About Relationship1 Corinthians 2:9-16Matt Henderson
9 FebruaryListeningPsalm 19Matt Henderson
16 FebruaryTesting and HearingJohn 16:5-15Matt Henderson
23 FebruaryQ&A – Answering Your Questions About PrayerMatt Henderson

Orange text = link available to watch on YouTube