Seeing Differently

Guest Speaker: Rev Karen Wilson
Sunday 19 November 2023
On Sunday, 19 November we are privileged to have Rev Karen Wilson, the keynote speaker at the Day of Courage in Longford, as our guest.
Karen will bring a message based on the story of Elisha and his servant from 2 Kings 6 titled “Seeing Differently“. Sometimes what is right in front of us needs to be looked at in a different way. It can make all the difference.
About Karen Wilson
Karen is currently the 2020-2025 Global President of Baptist World Alliance Women. She is an ordained Baptist minister in Australia and is currently finishing her Master of Divinity.
She is also the CEO of the Global Leadership Network Australia/New Zealand and the Founding Executive Director of the global Women Leaders Network which currently spans 22 countries. Karen has a strong desire to champion and empower men and women in leadership together.
Karen has spent many years working across many nations and has a strong understanding of cross-cultural ministry. With her faith being the driving motivator, Karen is passionate about her work with the poor and marginalised and is often found in other nations working amongst those in great need.
In the past, Karen has been a schoolteacher, an Executive Minister, a Senior Pastor, a Director for Baptist World Aid Australia and a Board Director for not-for-profit organisations.
As a gifted communicator and author, Karen speaks in a relational and often humorous way that connects with many different audiences. Her passion is in seeing people grow and live life boldly.
Karen has written and published a book “The Inside Story”, which explores who we are deep down inside and how to live life truly authentically. ( Having gone on a journey of exploring God’s healing amidst a very demanding leadership life, Karen unpacks keys to thriving and leading in a healthy way. She writes in a warm and engaging manner and her story is easily accessible by all who read it.
Married to Mark for 38 years, they have adult children: Daniel (married to Julia) and Katie (married to Hayden). They have recently been blessed with a beautiful little granddaughter, Zoe and grandson, Caleb.