The Parables of Jesus: Hidden Treasure, November 11 2018

Preacher: Scott Ambrose
The Parables of Jesus are found in the first three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. They are a very important part of the teachings of Jesus and make up approximately one third of what is recorded of his teachings. No wonder, Christians count them very highly.
Many of the parables are about everyday life. They include a woman baking bread, a farmer sowing seed, a man knocking on his neighbour’s door at night, a woman losing a coin or a wayward son’s homecoming. Despite their seeming normalness, the parables are about major spiritual and religious matters. Although they can often seem simple, yet deep and profound truths central to the teachings of Jesus. British scholar William Barclay summed up by saying a parable “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
In this series we will explore 8 of the Jesus’ parables looking at the deep truths they point to allowing them to speak to us today.
Today’s Bible Reading: Matthew 13:44-46