Church Family News, May 2023

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday 28 May
Join us at 10am this Sunday as Michael Henderson concludes the sermon series Growing People: Learning to live like Jesus.
As May Mission Month concludes, there is an opportunity to bring a gift to support Jan and Jit Yawan’s work with the disabled in Thailand (through the Lanternlight Ministry).
Can’t make it? Watch LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday
We have a Q&A session with the speaker each Sunday after the sermon. To join, text your question to 0491 070 718.
SERMON: Keep it Simple
BIBLE READING: Luke 10:25-37
WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday
Kids’ Church and Youth Activity are on during the service.
You are welcome to a time of fellowship over morning tea after the service and a BYO Lunch.
Tas Baptists printable PDF version of the April/May 2023 reCharge can be found here>>>.
Matt Henderson will be taking photos during the service this morning to update our website. Please indicate if you do not wish to be in a photo.

May Mission Month – Baptist Mission Australia.
Operation Christmas Child – Collecting items to play with.
SUNDAY 28 May 10:00am Service. May Mission Month offering.
TUESDAY 30 May. 8.00-10.00am. Garden Party in Gibson Hall. See below for detail.
WEDNESDAY 31 May 7:15 for a 7:00am start. Prayer for the City. Your Church (29 Charles St, Moonah).
Operation Christmas Child – Collecting items to wear.
SATURDAY 3 June 2:30-3:30pm Ministry Leaders Duty of Care Info Session.
SUNDAY 4 June 10:00am Service. An introduction to Luminous.
HBC’s Luminous Festival
THURSDAY 8 June 6-8pm. Opening of Luminous, including “the seed of life, weighed down” by Michael Henderson
TUESDAY 13 June 6-8pm. Conversation 1 – Is Tasmania a place for everyone?
THURSDAY 15 June 6-8pm. Conversation 2 – How Can We Help Tasmanian Children Flourish?
TUESDAY 20 June 6-8pm. Conversation 3 – How Do We Create Healthy Families?
FRIDAY 23 June 6-8pm. Christmas Carols in the Tab.
SUNDAY 25 June 10am. Christmas Day Service.

To celebrate 100 years of RACT, LiSTNR is throwing a series of garden parties around the state.
The first one is this Tuesday 30 May, 2023 at the Gibson Hall, Hobart Baptist Church, 284 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart!
Have you seen the ad on TV? There is an open invitation to step back in time to 1923 with some of the history and memorabilia on display, share in some morning tea and maybe win a prize in the lucky dip. The party will be hosted by Woody and Tubes from Triple M as they broadcast live from HBC from 6am – 10am.
Give thanks for the event: for the opportunity given to the community to hear and share stories of RACT serving the Hobart and surrounds for 100 years; and also pray that we, as a church of long standing in the community will have opportunities to serve it even better.

Firstly, a big THANK YOU to all who turned up to the church working bee last Saturday to support Kelvin and his team prepare the building for coffee and community. Much appreciated.

Secondly, a message from Kelvin. “Prepare for a coffee marathon in early June as we refine our coffee making skills and set the tone of the outside area.” Coffee shop hours will initially be restricted by the previous application:-
7am-2pm Mon-Fri, 11am-1pm Sun, closed Sat & public hols.
We currently have an application in to increase the hours to:-
7am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm Sat and 9am-5pm Sun and public holidays.
(The maximum allowed by Council).

HBC’s Luminous Festival is a mid-winter arts festival designed to engage with our city in a distinctive way that meets our vision of prophetically serving Hobart.
For more info about the festival and events visit our Luminous page here.
Opening at 6pm on Thursday 8 June, including the unveiling of Michael’s artwork, then culminating with Carols in the Tab on Friday night 23 June and Christmas Day on Sunday 25 June, we’d love you to show your support by coming along.
If you’re ready to register, click here to book on Eventbrite.
Seeking Volunteers:
Michael Henderson would appreciate some willing people to assist him hosting the artwork to give him a break from time to time, and in particular when he is not there – Saturday 10 June 4-6pm.
The art viewing times are from 12-6pm, Friday 9 June to Friday 16 June, inclusive.
Sign up sheets will be available in church on Sunday, or email the times you are available to Every hour or two will be really helpful. Information will be provided.
And you can enjoy a coffee while you are there!
Jesus spent a lot of time with his disciples teaching, demonstrating and living the Kingdom of God.
In our current series, “Growing People: Learning to Live Like Jesus in Hobart” we look at the gospel of Luke and touch on key moments when Jesus taught his disciples the specifics of what the Kingdom means for practical, everyday living.
Join us in walking with the disciples as we continue learning how to live like Jesus in Hobart. For more details, click here.

For Baptist Mission Australia May is Mission Month. The theme for this year is “Alongsiders”. It opens up questions about what that means for us personally and us as a church. How we, as individuals or as a church, can stand alongside those working in mission to develop vibrant faith communities communities, as well as perhaps come alongside those in our own community who need a helping hand.

Jan and Jit Yawan, whom we have supported for many years, continue their ministry in Thailand with the disabled, through their Lanternlight ministry.
Read their latest newsletter here>>>. Jan and Jit also sent a special note of thanks to all at HBC for the support of their ministry.

Baptist Mission Australia are also promoting their Stand with Myanmar Appeal. Two years on from a military coup, Myanmar is rocked by violence, oppression and instability. There is a huge demand for support of all kinds for the various ethnic groups still in Myanmar and those in Refuge camps in Thailand and India. Read more here>>>
Sunday May 28 is the day to bring your May Mission month donation to church, or pop it in the offering box, suitably marked, any Sunday before May 28, or give online>>>. To support Jan and Jit choose Project and scroll down to Thailand.
Saturday 3 June, 2:30-3:30pm in the Soundy Lounge.
Ministry Leaders, your attendance at this 1 hour information session, on our responsibilities regarding Duty of Care and ensuring that everyone who walks through our doors feels safe and is safe, is essential.
Invitation letters have been sent out, but if you haven’t received yours please let me know. A reminder to please RSVP.
Heather Galloway

Hobart Baptist Church are again supporting Operation Christmas Child in 2023. In May, we will be collecting something to play with:
- tennis ball
- cars
- skipping rope
- marbles
- musical instrument
- yo yo
- slinky
- finger puppets etc.
If you prefer to give a financial donation instead of shopping for items that’s great! We also need money to cover the sending costs of $12.50/box.
For further information please speak to Celia or Kylie. THANK YOU for your generosity!

Church Together Tasmania invite everyone to gather together and pray for our city, believing that God will touch our city, making the impossible possible in His name.
One hour of prayer, the last Wednesday of the month.
7.15am for a 7.30am start.
Future dates to mark in your diary.
31 May – Your Church (29 Charles St, Moonah)
28 June – Your Church (29 Charles St, Moonah)
GIVING – Your tithes and offerings

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.
It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.
EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.