Church Family News, November 2022

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday, 27 November
Stephen will wrap up our Vision sermon series this week with how we can be a place where everyone can contribute.
Every person is unique, everybody matters, and everyone has something to contribute and receive.
Open hearts, open minds and open lives makes room for everyone to contribute.
TODAY is Stephen Baxter’s last Sunday with us for 2 months. Tomorrow Stephen will hop on a plane to join Jenny, Alice, AJ and baby Koa in Madrid. Please pray for safe travels and a blessed time for this special family.
SERMON: A Place to Contribute
BIBLE READING: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday
Join our Q&A’s each Sunday by texting your question to 0491 070 718.
Kids’ Church and Youth Activity are on.
All are welcome to share in fellowship over morning tea after the service.

SATURDAY 26 November, 3-7pm. Karen Church Anniversary, Gibson Hall. ALL WELCOME!
SUNDAY 27 November, 10am. Conclusion of Vision Sermon Series.
WEDNESDAY 30 November. Last day for Early Bird tickets for Life@Work conference to be held at HBC on Saturday 18 February 2023.
FRIDAY 2 December, 5:30pm. Colin Buchanan’s Hobart Christmas Concert. Citywide Church, 400 Mornington Rd, Mornington. See below for more details.
FRIDAY 2 December, 7:30pm. Pop up Seminar – Science and Christianity: Friends or Foes? at St. George’s Anglican Church, Battery Point. More details below.
SUNDAY 4 December, 10am. “Great Expectations” Sermon Series begins.
FRIDAY 16 December, 5-9:30pm. HBC Summer Social – Dinner and Movie Night at HBC. All Welcome.
SUNDAY 18 December, 10am. The Empty Christmas Tree will feature during the service.
SUNDAY 25 December, 9:30am. Christmas Day Service. ALL WELCOME.

City Bible Forum 2023 Life@Work conference
A REMINDER: early bird tickets only available until Nov 30.
HBC is hosting City Bible Forum’s Life@Work conference on Saturday, 18 February 2023. The topic is, The Future of Work: How to love your colleagues and share Jesus in an ever-changing landscape. Life@Work is City Bible Forum’s annual conference to encourage Christians in the workplace. Since 2013, we have been equipping and empowering Christians from around Australia, and the world, for their life and witness at work.
For more info and to register, visit City Bible Forum and choose HBC as the watch location.
Next week – new summer sermon series begins

Our summer sermon series is called Great Expectations and focuses on Luke’s gospel. This gospel is a collection of stories that show Jesus’ interactions with people and how he sought to include everyone, even when it meant challenging the established social and power structures and those who benefit from the status quo.
We will explore this gospel together to see how Luke writes of a Saviour who embodies the value of ‘welcome’ that is Hobart Baptist’s theme for 2023. We will also find it a valuable roadmap for how we can navigate following Jesus in Hobart in the twenty-first century.
To read more, visit the the sermon series page.
Lay a gift under the HBC Empty Christmas Tree on Sunday 18 December 2022.

With Christmas Day rapidly approaching it is time to prepare for this year’s Empty Christmas Tree, a long-standing tradition in this church.
On Sunday 18 December 2022 you will have the opportunity to lay a gift under the 73rd Empty Christmas Tree as part of the church service
On this day, you are invited to bring a gift, such as a book, toy, game, clothing, non-perishable food item, gift card, voucher or financial donation to place under the tree. Gifts should be new, unwrapped and can be for all ages. Come and experience the joy of giving.
All gifts and donations will be delivered to Hobart City Mission for distribution.
Colin Buchanan’s Big Christmas Concert in Hobart – free ticket giveaway!

Christmas has come early to HBC and we have eight free tickets (4 Adults and 4 Children) for the Big Christmas Concert to give away! Contact Church Secretary, Heather Galloway, for more info.
Australia’s Number 1 kids Christian artist and family favourite Colin Buchanan is coming to Hobart for his BIG CHRISTMAS CONCERT on 5:30pm Friday 2 December at Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Mornington Road, Mornington.
Don’t miss out! Grab your friends and book NOW to have a fabulous time! Tickets are available at Scroll down to the Hobart Show.
Science and Christianity: Friends or Foes?

St George’s Anglican is hosting a pop up seminar with radio astronomer Dr Jordan Collier on the topic of Science and Christianity: Friends or Foes? at 7:30pm on Friday December 2.
Jordan Collier is a radio astronomer who works in the Astronomy department at the University of Cape Town and has a passion for the interface between science and faith.
If you have questions like: Do science and the Bible contradict each other? Do we have to choose either God or science? then this is for you.
This is a great seminar to encourage Christians and answer their questions about Science and Christianity. It’s also a great seminar for your people to invite their unbelieving friends to. And it’s especially good for young adults. ALL WELCOME
Welcome Koa

Congratulations to Alice and AJ Peters on the safe arrival of their little daughter, Koa Olukemi in Madrid at 11pm on Tuesday 25 November. Koa weighed in at 3kg and is 40cm long.
Grandparents, Stephen and Jenny Baxter, are also bursting with pride, and thanking God for the blessing of this little life.
HBC Annual Members’ Meeting 2022 outcomes

Have you considered membership at Hobart Baptist Church? HBC would not exist without the support and care of our official membership.
Last Sunday we held our Annual Members’ Meeting for 2022.
All nominated Officers and Deacons were elected and other positions endorsed.
- Deacons – Scott Ambrose, Jing Priest and Joanna Sinclair
- Secretary – Heather Galloway
- Treasurer – Geoffrey Clarke
- Assistant Secretary – Joanna Sinclair
- Assistant Treasurer – Kylie Henderson (From 13 February 2023)
Children and Youth Leaders
- Kids’ Church: Tracy Ortiz
- Youth: Scott Ambrose and Kelvin Smith
- Boys’ Brigade Captain: Scott Ambrose
- Boys’ Brigade Chaplain: Kelvin Smith
The Finance Committee: Geoffrey Clarke, Heather Galloway, Kylie Henderson, William Maguire, Hannah Nguyen and Ben Wagner.
For more information visit the HBC Members and Others page.

Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
Thank you to all those who supported the Prayer Breakfast either through attending, praying for it, or just by considered listening. Stephen Baxter MC’d this event and it was a resounding success. God turned up and did good things!
Christmas Gift Ideas from Baptist World Aid

As we approach the end of the year it is easy to get caught up in the commercialism surrounding Christmas.
Baptist World Aid encourage us to be mindful in our giving and have provided us with some ideas – Better World Gifts that are ethical, meaningful and fun. An Advent calendar, as shown, is also available.
To give your loved ones something meaningful this Christmas, click here>>> to select a gift and make a difference.
GIVING – Your tithes and offerings

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.
It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.
EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.