Church Family News, October 2023
Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday 29 October
This Sunday we hear from Matt Henderson as he speaks on Praying the Lord’s Prayer.
SERMON: Forgive Us Our Sins As We Forgive Those Who Sin Against Us
BIBLE READING: Matthew 6:9-13
WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday
A Q&A session with the speaker takes place after the sermon each Sunday.
To join, text a question to 0491 070 718.
Stay on after the service for fellowship over morning tea, including a coffee from Esteem.
Kids’ Church and HBC Youth will meet during the sermon.
For enquiries regarding room use/hire, please email Kelvin Smith (
SATURDAY 28th 10:00am-2:00pm. Operation Christmas Child shoe box packing, Soundy Lounge.
SUNDAY 29th 10am. Praying the Lord’s Prayer sermon series continues.
WEDNESDAY 1st 6:30 for 6:45am. Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, Hotel Grand Chancellor.
SATURDAY 4th 11am-2:30pm. Safe Church Training, Gibson Hall. See below for more details.
MONDAY 6th 6:00pm. State Cinema, North Hobart. Premiere showing of “The Healing”.
SUNDAY 12th 6:00pm-8:00pm. Long Table Dinner. Bangladesh. See below for more details.
SATURDAY 18th 9:30am-3:30pm. EmpowHer Day of Courage at Longford. More below.
SUNDAY 26th 11:30am. Church Annual Members Meeting following 10am service. All Welcome.
Praying the Lord’s Prayer – 24 September to 12 November 2023
The Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 is perhaps the most well-known and beloved prayers in the history of the Church.
It is the example given by Jesus to his disciples and has been used as a model prayer for Jesus’ followers everywhere.
Each week we will take a close look at the Lord’s Prayer by exploring each of its sections, and asking how it can be applied to our own lives.
As we explore, we will discover how Jesus’ model for effective prayer can help us to grow in our relationship with God, with each other and be more effective in our work for the Kingdom.
For more information, visit the sermon page here…
The Shoeboxes are being packed this Saturday, October 28 between 10am – 2pm in the Soundy Lounge. ALL WELCOME!
Financial donations ($12.50 a box) to help cover the cost of sending the boxes would also be appreciated. For further information please speak to Celia or Kylie. THANK YOU for your generosity!
The packed Shoeboxes will be sent on their way with a prayer during the 10am service this Sunday.
Upgrading the Church Kitchen to commercial standard would enable us to fully utilize the facilities that we have, not only for our own church family, but also to serve the community in a practical way.
Kelvin’s vision is to make the church kitchen available to different individuals or groups to produce food for distribution or for sale in different ways. Either as one-off or as semi-regular events. It would enable:-
- Esteem to sell food cooked on site
- Different chefs from the multicultural start up programmes to cook food to sell,
- Food to be prepared to distribute to the needy in the community,
- To cater for different events such as Luminous on site etc.
To support Kelvin with this vision, the Diaconate would like to appeal to the Church Community to assist if able to do so.
The estimated cost is around $3,500. We already have $200, proceeds from the sale of a gazebo. Fundraising ideas or a donation towards the expenses required to make this a reality would encourage Kelvin and many budding chefs.
Donations can be placed in an offering box on Sunday (in an envelope suitably marked) or transferred directly to the Church Bank Account with the reference “Kitchen Upgrade”. For more information chat with Kelvin or Heather.
Please pray for the upcoming Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, 1 November. The Breakfast brings together like-minded people from across Tasmania to pray for our State, our leaders, parliamentarians, businesses, schools, communities, and community organisations; our families, youth, and children.
This year’s guest speaker is John Kamara, Humanitarian and co-founder, Culturally Diverse Alliance of Tasmania and African Communities Council of Tasmania. TAS State recipient Australian of the Year 2023.
Bookings have closed.
HBC’s Safe Church Training Session is happening this coming Saturday, 4 November from 11am-2pm in the Gibson Hall. Bookings are essential and are required no later than 28 October.
RSVP to Matt Henderson – or look out for me on Sunday morning.
As previously stated, to satisfy the requirements of our Insurance, it is imperative that everyone who works with children or vulnerable people and ALL leaders within the church are signed off on their training by the end of November or they will not be able to continue in their role.
Leaders include: Pastors, Deacons, Kid’s Church and Youth leaders, those involved in the 10am service on a regular basis (those who sing, play instruments, read the Bible, pray, lead the service, welcome people, serve morning tea, and also extends to the Karen community, Vietnamese fellowship… pretty much everyone within the church!
Please talk to Matt, your ministry leader or myself if you are uncertain, have any questions, or are unavailable on that day. The in person training is the preferred option, however there is an online version available if required.
Heather Galloway
Bring your friends and join us for an adventure at the Bangladeshi Dinner on Sunday, 12 November.
Dinner starts 5:45pm for drinks and a meet & greet with the chef at Hobart Baptist Church, 286 Elizabeth Street. To book a seat, call Elle on 0449 540 930.
The Church Annual Members’ Meeting, followed by a General Church Members’ Meeting will be held on Sunday 26 November, 2023 following the 10am Worship Service. ALL WELCOME and encouraged to attend.
The main agenda items for the Annual Members’ Meeting are the election of Deacons and Officers for 2024 and the reception of the Financial Statements for the Year 1 July 2022- 30 June 2023.
There are many opportunities to contribute to the life of Hobart Baptist.
Do you have skills and gifts that the church could use? Administration, IT, bookkeeping, minute taking, organisation and communication? Able to be an independent thinker but also enjoy working as part of a friendly, caring, nurturing team – you’re in!
The Nominations Book is now open.
The Treasurer position is currently vacant, the Secretary is retiring after 8 years, and there are 4 Diaconate positions to be filled. Office Bearer are elected for a 1 year term, and Diaconate positions are for a three year term. To find out more about these roles, talk to the members of the Nominations committee (David Needham, Scott Ambrose and Jing Priest).
More details can be found on the HBC Members and Others page or speak to Heather Galloway.
Church Together Tasmania invites everyone to gather together and pray for Hobart, believing that God will touch the city, making the impossible possible in His name.
Prayer for the City will be at Hobart Baptist Church Hobart Baptist Church on 25th October and 29th November. All welcome at 7.15am for a 7.30am start.
Saturday 18 November, Longford | Find out more >
Carpooling is an option if you need a lift! Get in touch with Jenny.
‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7
We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.
It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.
EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.