Day of Prayer and Fasting

Whether you were at home, work or school, prayed at one specific time or at various points during the day, whether you fasted from food, coffee or chocolate, we were united in drawing near to God in prayer.
During the afternoon, 20 or so people dropped into the Tab. There was the sense that, despite the current challenges the redevelopment is facing, God is using this moment for our good. That we have come so far is a miracle in itself. God will find a way.

A common theme emerging across the afternoon was:

“it is good to be brought to our knees.”

These words, or words similar, were prayed at times by people, unaware what others had prayed. As we came before God in humility, we were reminded how easy it is to slip into thinking we can do it all, forgetting that apart from God we can do nothing (John 15:5).

A second theme was a sense of anticipation of what God is doing among us, and what this will mean as we move into the new year.
My own personal sense is this was a moment where God got our attention. It’s a reminder that it is not our plans which we ask God to endorse, but God’s mission we have been called to join.
Across the afternoon it was evident there is a quiet confidence that our hope and trust is in God, and that “God has this”. So let’s look forward in hope and expectation of all God will do.

Thanks again,
Stephen Baxter
Senior Pastor, Hobart Baptist Church