Jesus First, September 8 2019
Sanctuary Sunday
Today’s Preacher: Stephen Baxter
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
Being a follower of Jesus means he comes first in our lives.
Not just our spiritual lives and not just on Sundays, but in everything. In this new sermon series, we will explore what it means to put Jesus first in the good and the bad times. So that means when we are anxious, joyful, uncertain, unstable, comfortable, or lonely. As well as putting him first with our time and gifts, resources, money and relationships.
Putting Jesus first is not a once off commitment, but a choice to be made each day. The world offers many distractions and distorts our priorities, but peace and fulfillment come as we put Jesus first in all things.
Today’s Bible reading: Ephesians 4:1-6