Sacred Tasmania Series

Learning to Live like Jesus in Hobart

26 May to 30 June 2024

Scroll down to the table for YouTube links each sermon. Or head straight to our YouTube channel>

One of Paul’s opening arguments in Romans is that God’s eternal power and divine nature, although invisible, are clearly evident through the created universe (Rom 1:20).

 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20 (NIV)

The beauty of our Tasmanian wilderness reflects something of that creative genius of the power of God. As such we are called to respect it as such. Too often we have regarded the earth and its resources as ours to take, rather than ours to steward. Without falling into nature worship or giving the earth some sort of divine status, “Sacred Tasmania” tries to capture Paul’s thinking and remind us of our obligations to care for it.

We are privileged to live on the 26th largest island in the world with its unique and precious wilderness. Because it was created by God, it has a unique and profound sacredness. Historically, the indigenous people placed here by God, maintained a rich and deep connection to the land. They consider this place sacred and spiritually significant.

“Sacred Tasmania” is an encouragement to explore “the link between the sacred, place, and sustainability in Tasmania”.

How is that history and heritage critical to the future of Tasmania? Particularly as we welcome people from across the world bringing their own traditions, heritage and spirituality adding to the already rich spiritual tapestry. 

Given these forces at work, how will we ensure a sustainable Tasmania, economically, sociologically, environmentally and spiritually? 

We believe the only way this is possible is through believing in and following Jesus Christ. Luminous aims to do this by shining a gentle and welcoming light on some of the profound and foundational questions we have before us. And do so in a life-giving and unifying way.

Sermon Plan and YouTube Re-play

26 May to 30 June

DateTopic (orange text: link available to watch)Suggested ReadingsSpeaker
26 MayA Sacred Tasmania. Whaaat?Psalm 19:1-4a, Romans 1:18-23Stephen Baxter
2 JuneRestored SaintsRomans 3:21-24Michael Henderson
9 JuneLuminous: Sacred TasmaniaPsalm 19:1-4a, Acts 17:24-28 Stephen Baxter
16 JuneScott Darlow2 Corinthians 5:16-19Scott Darlow
23 JuneDancing in the DarkJohn 3:16-21 Stephen Baxter
30 JuneLuminous: Sacred Tasmania – wrap-upPs 139:7-12
John 1:6-14
Stephen Baxter, Michael Henderson, Matt Henderson.
Sermon Plan 26 May to 30 June