Church Family News – May 2024

NB It is the City to Casino Fun Run and Walk on Sunday morning. Check road closures here >

Hobart Baptist Church, Sunday 26 May


Come along on Sunday at 10am, to worship, celebrate our unity and encourage one another.
Stephen Baxter will begin the new sermon series: Sacred Tasmania.

SERMON: A Sacred Tasmania. Whaaat?
A Q&A session will take place after the sermon.
During the sermon you are invited to SMS questions to: 0491 070 718.

BIBLE READING: Psalm 19:1-4a, Romans 1:18-23

YOUNG PEOPLE: Kids’ Church AND HBC Youth are on!

WATCH: LIVE on YouTube at 10.00am Sunday

MORNING TEA: Enjoy fellowship over Morning Tea following the service, including the option to buy hot drinks from Esteem.

REMEMBER: For enquiries regarding room use/hire, please email Kelvin Smith ( or Connie Sim (

PLEASE NOTE: To contribute to Connecter and Church Family News for any Sunday, please email no later than 9am the Wednesday prior.



It’s May Mission Month! On Sunday 26 May there will be a special offering to support Jit and Jan Yawan who work with Baptist Mission Australia in Thailand.

SATURDAY 25th 2-4pm Open House at the Baxters new place, 4/46 Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay. Afternoon tea is on the house!

SUNDAY 26th 9-9:50am Demystifying the Bible, study with Kelvin in the Soundy Lounge
10am Luminous and a Sacred Tasmania; Stephen Baxter
MAY MISSION MONTH – Offering for Jit and Jan Yawan

WEDNESDAY 29th 7:15 for 7:30am. City Prayer. Your Church, 29 Charles St, Moonah.


LUMINOUS FESTIVAL 12-16 and 19-23 June
Detailed program available from Sunday 19 May
SUNDAY 2nd 10am Sacred Tasmania sermon series continues
SATURDAY 15th Scott Darlow concert
SUNDAY 16th 10am Scott Darlow; Esteem Multicultural Festival
FRIDAY 22nd 6pm Luminous Carols
SUNDAY 23rd 9-9:50 am Final Demystifying the Bible, study with Kelvin
10am Christmas in Winter
SUNDAY 30th 10am Celebrating Luminous
11:45am Church Members’ Meeting. ALL WELCOME!


May Mission Month is here. And this year, the theme is Mending! Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia’s intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. Explore more here: 

DON’T FORGET! We will have a special offering on Sunday 26 May to support Jit and Jan Yawan and their important work the disabled in Thailand

In sending their greetings Jan and Jit write “We continue to be so very thankful for your friendship and for the many who pray and those who support us in other ways. We couldn’t be here doing what we do without you all.”

Read Jan and Jit’s latest newsletter here > and click here > to watch their latest video.


Stephen and Jenny Baxter DEc 2023

On Sunday 12 May, it was announced that Stephen Baxter will conclude his time as Senior Pastor of Hobart Baptist Church later this year.

We are grateful to God for the leadership of Stephen and the support and work of Jenny over many years. Stephen and Jenny have responded faithfully to the call of God to serve Him through Hobart Baptist Church, and after nearly 14 years it is fitting that they are now responding to His call again as they seek His will for the future.

Over the coming months the Diaconate will be meeting to prayerfully consider the pastoral leadership of the church and would value your prayers and input into this process.

It is important to note that Stephen and Jenny do not see this step as the end of their time at Hobart Baptist, but rather the conclusion of Stephen serving as Senior Pastor.

We look forward to appropriately celebrating and honouring Stephen and Jenny’s ministry in the coming months. There is much to give thanks for and much to look forward to. Stay tuned as we update you along the way.  



Sermon series Sunday 26 May to 30 June

The beauty of our Tasmanian wilderness reflects something of that creative genius of the power of God. As such we are called to respect it as such. Too often we have regarded the earth and its resources as ours to take, rather than ours to steward. Without falling into nature worship or giving the earth some sort of divine status, “Sacred Tasmania” tries to capture Paul’s thinking and remind us of our obligations to care for it.

Read more >


A before-Church Bible Study (9 – 9:50am), until Sunday 23 June

Demystifying the Bible 9-9:50am Sundays until 23 June. Bible Study with Kelvin Smith

For millennia the Catholic Church has told us that only professionals can properly interpret the Bible, and even now, with an educated population we treat this book more like a recipe book or a book of anecdotes.

We will do a basic ‘book study’ such as might be done with any valuable historical record. Participants will experience 6 discussions, and walk away knowing the structure, the intent of the texts and subsequently be able to take intelligent guidance from it for 21st century living.

Talk to Kelvin Smith for more details.


English Conversation is on hold for now
Friendship Groups at Esteem
Adult Colouring
  • Friday mornings
  • Hosted by Karen Conway and Celia Munro
Discussion Group
  • Fortnightly on Tuesdays, 1pm
  • Free and open discussion about how to be a follower of Jesus in today’s world
  • Members of the discussion group invite others to join!
  • Next meeting Tuesday 4 June
  • For more info, talk to William Maguire

Email Kelvin if you are interested or have ideas for other groups:


SACRED TASMANIA ~ Exploring the connections between the sacred, place and sustainability
REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! > | See basic program >

A mid-winter event hosted by Hobart Baptist Church 12-16; 19-23 June.

Luminous A Sacred Tasmania

Luminous aims to open up conversations on important topics for the people of Hobart. This year’s theme is Sacred Tasmania An exploration of the link between Tasmanian place, the sacred, and sustainability.

You are invited to participate! Bring your friends and family to one or more events.

  • Music and carols
  • Hobart Baptist’s signature Christmas in Winter celebration
  • Art installations
  • Multi-cultrual Market
  • Scott Darlow in Concert!

To offer your support by volunteering please email


Hobart Baptist are supporting the Operation Christmas Child program during 2024.

Every Sunday, there will be a red tub available near the kitchen entrance for your donations – both gifts and cash donations are welcome!

It’s May and we are collecting items to play with:

  • Tennis ball
  • Toy cars
  • Skipping rope
  • Marbles
  • Musical instrument
  • Yoyos
  • Finger puppets etc.

In October there will be a shoebox packing day held in the Soundy Lounge. And what a fun day that will be! Or, if you prefer, why not take a box or two home and pack them yourself?

Please see Kylie Henderson or Celia Munro for more info.

Here are some ideas for gifts >


Read about the recent City Prayer event, and prayer points for our city: HBC Prayer page >

Details for 2024 dates

7.15am for 7.30am.
City Prayer: Finish 8.30am | City Breakfasts: Finish 8.30am
29th May –  – Your Church (29 Charles St, Moonah)
26th June – Your Church (29 Charles St, Moonah)
31st JulyHobart Baptist (282 Elizabeth St. Nth Hobart)
28th August – BREAKFAST (details coming)
25th September – Hobart City Church of Christ  (8 Goulburn St, Hobart)
30th OctoberHobart Baptist (282 Elizabeth St. Nth Hobart)
27th November – Hobart City Church of Christ  (8 Goulburn St, Hobart)

Let’s come together and pray for our city – knowing that ALL things are possible in Him.
Pastor Dave Morse, Your Church Moonah.


Let’s get Baptists across Hobart together for a meal and fellowship!

Next opportunity is Friday 31 May 2024

The plan is to have a monthly dinner with people who live near you from Citywide, Hobart and Claremont Baptist Churches.

This is a chance to meet with people from different backgrounds, ages and churches that you would normally meet, and connect with people you are likely to meet at the local post office or shopping centre.

To participate, or volunteer to host, head to the organiser’s, Citywide Baptist website >


Serving others to serve God

The idea of serving at church was encouraged by Matt Henderson during his sermon > .

Everybody has unique God-given skills and talents, and they help change the world around you. At Hobart Baptist, there are serving opportunities to fit your skills and your schedule!

Have you prayed about your involvement yet? To sign up talk to Matt or CLICK HERE >>> to find out more and sign up.


‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:7

We thank all who give faithfully on a regular basis, as without this support we would not be able to operate. Your offerings support our budget: and through that it enables the church to continue to be an important part of the North Hobart landscape and the place from where we can prophetically serve the City of Hobart.

It is where we can know the benefit of worshipping with others, where we hear the stories of Jesus and how they apply to us, where we are encouraged in our journey with Jesus, from where we can share God’s love with others and help them to know and trust in God themselves. Our influence can also be far reaching – there is no limit to God’s love through our deeds and actions. Thank you for your generosity.

EFT is a great way to ensure regular giving and as well there are offering boxes available for use as you leave the Sanctuary.

You can give online here